Overview & Objectives
The Magis Foundation Limited 華仁夢飛翔基金會有限公司 (the “Foundation”) was founded by a group of Wahyanites (Class of 1992) on 28 June 2017 in Hong Kong under the Companies Ordinance. The word “Magis” is a Latin word, meaning “doing more for others”.
The objectives of the Foundation are:
(a) to provide support, both financial and non-financial, to young people on projects that could help them realize their dreams and develop their potentials;
(b) to promote the advancement of education and the relief of poverty, distress and sickness;
(c) to institute, establish and promote non-profit making lectures, courses, conferences, meetings, talks, exhibitions, concerts, bursaries, scholarships, grants, awards, prizes and/or maintenance allowances to promote education and research in culture, humanities, science, music, literature, law, sociology and/or geography in Hong Kong and/or elsewhere particularly for objects related to Wah Yan College, Kowloon, that the Foundation may think desirable for the promotion of its objectives.